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NYC Security Token Forum

Xiaochen Zhang

The NYC Security Token Forum will bring key STO experts together with Wall Street influencers to discuss key issues around STO and build collaborations for the emergence of a healthy STO ecosystem.

Security Token Offering (STO) has emerged as a new and compliant model to raise fund in 2018. It is estimated that STOs will grow to $10 trillion in the coming 10 years. However, STO is still in a very early stage and many traditional investors and companies are not well informed of the benefits and challenges of security tokens.

STO Council, initiated by FinTech4Good, brings together issuance platforms, exchanges, advisory firms, law firms, investors and regulators to discuss key issues around key opportunities and risks associated with mainstreaming of STO. During the Forum, the STO Council will launch the new STO Handbook to provide an introductory guide to the security token ecosystem in the U.S. and to help the readers develop a thorough understanding of STO.

The NYC Security Token Forum will bring key STO experts together with Wall Street influencers to discuss key issues around STO and build collaborations for the emergence of a healthy STO ecosystem. Key topics covered in the Forum include:

 Where is blockchain headed in 2019?

 Will security token be able to transform capital markets?

 New Game, New Infrastructure: Protocols and Issuance Platforms

 The Landscape of Security Token Offering Market

 International Security Token Roundtable: Which country is leading the security token revolution?

 The Next Unicorn in the Global Token Market

 How to Raise Capital with a STO: Marketing and Broker-Dealers

 The Legal Aspects of Security Token Offering

 Investing in Security Tokens: Institutional investors, accredited investors and crowd investors

 Blockchain and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals



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