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Central Bank Digital Currency and 

the Future of a Citizen-centric Financial System

Washington DC
17- 18 November 2020

The CBDC Forum

The Future of Central Bank Digital Currency
17 November 2020
09:00 am

The UN Secretary General's Task Force on Digital Financing for SDGs launched its final report on August 26th, 2020. The report identifies opportunities for digitalization to deliver billions of dollars of financing to tackle problems such as lack of access to capital for small and medium sized enterprises, and for investments in sustainable infrastructure addressing climate change, biodiversity destruction. For more information, please go to the Task Force site:

Central Bank Digital Currency is one of the most impactful innovations which has the potential to remove several key barriers for individuals to contribute to SDGs financing. The CBDC Forum seeks to become an international platform to share knowledge and build collaborations on central bank digital currency.


Topics to be covered:

  • The landscape of CBDC Innovations around the world;

  • The risks and benefits of CBDC;

  • Inclusive CBDC;

  • CBDC capacity and readiness

  • Digital financing for SDGs

  • CBDC Technology: DLT and beyond;

  • Governance of digital currencies ;

  • The design principles of CBDC;

  • The implementation challenges of CBDC;

  • The public private collaboration on CBDC;

  • The future of CBDC.

The Conference



Nov.17, 2020 EST
Nov.18, 2020 EST


Welcome and Opening Remark

Xiaochen Zhang

President, FinTech4Good



Why central banks are Interested in Digital Currency?

Francisco Rivadeneyra

Director for CBDC and FinTech Policy, Bank of Canada

José Manuel Marques

Head of the Financial Innovation Division en Banco de España

Welcome and Opening Remark

Dr Srinivas Yanamandra

Chief, New Development Bank

Ismail Erturk

Senior Lecturer in Banking at University of Manchester

Ousmène Jacques Mandeng

Senior Advisor Blockchain and Multiparty Systems, Accenture

Shaolun Liu,

Director, Deloitte


CBDC Development in Asia: Country Studies

Vijak Sethaput

Deputy Director, Bank of Thailand

Henri Arslanian

Global Crypto Leader, Asia FinTech Leader, Partner, PwC

Yifeng Zhang

President, Zhongchao blockchain technology research Institute 

Douglas Arner

Kerry Holdings Professor in Law at The University of Hong Kong

Cong He

Founder and Chairman, Probe Group


CBDC Technology: DLT and beyond

David Wen

Professor at Zhejiang University International Business School

Alon Goren

Founding Partner of Draper Goren Holm

Michael Sung

Co-Director of the Fudan Fanhai Fintech Research Center; Chairman CarbonBlue Innovations

Daniel Eidan

Global Solution Architect, Payments and CBDC, R3


CBDC Development in Africa: Country Studies

Michelle Chivunga N

CEO, Global Policy House, Senior Govt. Advisor

Monica Singer

Consensys South Africa lead, board member of SAICA and Vice Chair of GLEIF

Nolwazi Hlophe

Regulatory Program Lead | Digital Frontiers Institute

Vincent Molinari

Founder & Host, FINTECH.TV & TheIMPACT-Molinari Media


CBDC Development in Europe: country studies

Jonas Gross

project manager, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC)

Ashley Lannquist

Project Lead, Blockchain & Digital Currency at World Economic Forum

Gabriel Abed

Founder, BITT

Juan Camilo Gutiérrez

independent CBDC expert


Digital Financing for SDGs

Simon Zadek

Sherpa of UN Secretary General's Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals

Zhijun Zhang

Lead, Security Architecture at The World Bank Group

Marianne Haahr

Director Green Digital Finance Alliance

Yonathan Parienti

Founder and CEO, Horyou


Lunch Break


Lunch Break


CBDC Learning and Governance Board: Toward an Inclusive CBDC


Tao sun

Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund

Aiaze Mitha

Senior Advisor, UN Secretary General's Task Force on Digital Financing of SDGs

Chris Ostrowski

Director, OMFIF

Tori Adams

Chief Innovation Officer at Value Technology Foundation



CBDC Development in Latin America & Caribbean: Country Studies

Fabiola Herrera

Deputy Manager Systems and Innovation, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

Marcelo Prates

Lawyer, Central Bank of Brazil

Raúl Morales Resendiz

Manager, The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies

Digital currencies Without Borders

Jason Brett

Founder - Value Technology Foundation

Isabelle Corbett

Global Head of Government Relations, R3

Marshall Hayner

CEO, Metal Pay

John Sarson

Managing partner, Sarson Funds


Summary of the day

Xiaochen Zhang

President, FinTech4Good


Closing Remark

Xiaochen Zhang

President, FinTech4Good



Nov.19, 2020

About the CBDC Academy

Initiated by the CBDC Committee, the CBDC Capacity Development Program aims to enhance readiness for central banks in developing countries to potentially adopt central bank digital currencies. It also facilitate knowledge sharing between developing countries and developed countries in CBDC implementation.

On Nov.19th, 2020, we will organize a pilot delivery for 6 central banks from developing countries with scholarships provided by the CBDC Committee and FinTech4Good.



Module 1-The State of CBDC in 2020

In this module, you will learn the following: What are CentralBank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and which forms of CBDC exist? How do CBDC compare to existing forms of money? Who is working on CBDC and which design dimensions are being discussed? How is the ECB approaching the topic and when might we see a digital euro?



Module 2: CBDC: Technical Implementation Considerations

This mini-seminar will summarize the latest CBDC pilot case studies, and the current architectural approaches highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. It will briefly discuss Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) versus other possible technical implementation approaches and finally it will introduce an example of a specific CBDC technical solution deployed in central bank trials and commercial implementations. Time will be allotted for follow-up Q&A.

The CBDC Academy will roll out a certification program on Central Bank Digital Currency in January 2021. 

Our Lecturers

Alexander Bechtel is a co-founder of the Digital Euro Association (DEA). He is responsible for DLT and digital assets at the strategy department of Deutsche Bank. Moreover, Alexander is a research assistant at the University of St. Gallen. His main research interests are monetary policy and digital currencies. He has worked as an external consultant for the European Central Bank (ECB) and has completed a research stay at Stanford University. Alexander has served as a speaker and consultant for various institutions providing expertise about stablecoins, the programmable Euro, and CBDC. Since June 2019, Alexander publishes one of the most famous German-speaking podcasts on digital currencies, called “Bitcoin, Fiat & Rock’n’Roll”.

Thomas Kudrycki, Thomas holds a leadership position as the Chief Technology Officer of eCurrency where he translated the early idea of a digital currency managed by central banks (CBDC) into functionally and architecturally cohesive product, managed the team that built the solution, and sells and manages the deployment of the solution to central banks globally. He also served as the Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Technology & Operations for RGM Network, an advbertising and online content network focused on female audience, and led as the Vice President of Engineering for CHEMDEX Corporation and Director and Vice President of Content Technology for CNET.Thomas started his career as an individual contributor and then technical manager at AT&T Bell Labs

Matthieu Saint Olive is leading ConsenSys work on CBDC globally. Matthieu joined ConsenSys 3 years ago. He has been involved in several Enterprise engagements including CBDC, stablecoins and financial digital assets. Prior to joining ConsenSys, Matthieu worked for 3 years as a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Douglas Arner, Kerry Holdings Professor in Law at The University of Hong Kong. Douglas Arner is the Kerry Holdings Professor in Law at the University of Hong Kong, a Senior Fellow of Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, and a Non-Executive Director of Aptorum Group. He led the development of the world’s largest fintech online course “Introduction to Fintech” on edX with over 75,000 learners and specializes in economic and financial law, regulation and development. He served as a consultant with, among others, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Alliance for Financial Inclusion, APEC, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Islamic Financial Services Board and Development Bank of Southern Africa.

CBDC Academy 2020


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